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2017-09-29 06:39
本文通过构建多因素模型,对模型进行回归分析,最终得出结论:上市公司独立董事的年龄、独立董事的薪酬、独立董事占董事会的比例和独立董事出席董事会的比例对公司绩效的影响是不显著的。 关键字:独立董事,公司绩效,回归分析 Abstract Independent Director originated in the United States in the 1930s. It plays an important role in setting up effective corporate governance and improving board duties, it also takes a positive effect to supervise and restrict the company administrative class’s actions, reduce the agency costs and achieve maximization of shareholder’s interest. China listed company introduced independent director system in order to improve the corporate governance. The paper’s research topic is the relationship between independent director and corporate performance. The paper samples 68 listed companies in manufacturing industry to verify the relationship between independent director and corporate performance from independent director’s age, salary and ratio.
The paper set up models and use regression analysis to come to a conclusion: independent director’s age, salary and ratio don’t have a significant effect on corporate performance. Key words: Independent director, Corporate Performance, Regression Analysis 目 录

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