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【关键词】平面角;定性分析;定位作图;定量计算;点;垂线段;垂平面Positioning Analysis on the dihedral angle of
【Abstract】Three-dimensional geometry of space angle is an important concept, which is a prominent space graphics quantitative indicators, the relationship between spatial location of a concrete embodiment of graphics. Three-dimensional geometry to solve the problem lies in "determining three things": a qualitative analysis → location mapping → quantitative calculation, which is the location of qualitative and quantitative basis and is the location of quantitative, qualitative in depth. In all things relationship, the dihedral angle is one of the important concepts in one, it comes down to flat top corner of the metric measurement, in general, their plane angle positioning is a prerequisite step in problem-solving, so pairs of dihedral angle The plane angle positioning is the key.
【Key words】Plane angle;Qualitative analysis;Locationmapping;Quantitative calculation;Point;Vertical section;Vertical plane1
α、β是由 出发的两个半平面,O是l上任意一点,OC α,且OC⊥l;CD β,且OD⊥l。这就是二面角的平面角的环境背景,即∠COD是二面角α-l-β的平面角。