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2013-09-01 01:01
导读:数学论文毕业论文,开放式基金投资最优策略论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘要




The opening-end fund as a aggregative investment which shares profits and risks and with scientific and advanced operation mechanism, has been the main category of fund industry in the world. Seeing form the history of fund, most of the developed and emerging countries began with close-end fund. After accumulating enough experience, it will carry out the transition to the concurrent of the close-end fund and the open-end fund ,and eventually take up the dominant station. Therefore, the development of the open-end fund is inevitable and the investment operation of it is a new task for us. This text went deep into inquiry into the investment problem of opening-end fund from such angles as the investment operation and the risk controls...etc., and also give its superior strategy model.

KEYWORD: Opening-end Fund;Investment Operation;Risk Controls;Superior Model

    上一篇:铁矿生产车辆安排的优化模型 下一篇:没有了