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2013-09-16 01:13
导读:数学论文毕业论文,简述从黎曼积分到勒贝格积分的演变论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 简述



关键字: 微积分;极限;黎曼可积;测度;勒贝格积分

The evolution from Riemann integral to Lebesgue integral


In this paper, the concept of the Riemann integral and the sufficient and necessary conditions of Riemann integrability are introduced. As using the definition of fixed integral to computing itself is very difficult, so we has brought the basic calculus theorem (Newton-Leibniz formula) and launched the discussion about calculus. When the exchangeable conditions of integral and limit operation are found too strict, and  Riemann integral is not completely differential operator’s inverse operation, we has noticed the Lebesgue integral , including Lebesgue integral concept, theorem, the nature and application . The superiority of Lebesgue integral compared to Riemann integral reflects is also given.
Keywords: Calculus; Limit; Riemann integrability; Measure; Lebesgue integral

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