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2013-10-07 01:24
导读:数学论文毕业论文,论马尔科夫链在体育比赛结果预测中的应用样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要




This text according as disquisition about Markov Chain exoterica,link the athleticses a good many characteristic similar unsureness result,construct a model of Markov Chain for forecast computational the athleticses result, and go deep into the forecast model of Markov Chain which had the division of conditions and characteristics of no following effects in the main. It deduced the initial probability on the Markov chain and the common computational for mula of single layer shift probability. This text developed the predictable method of Markov chain and widened the practice range by right of several example proved.

Key words:  Markov Chain;Markov Process;Forecast Model; Forecast

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