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2013-11-16 02:03
导读:数学论文毕业论文,基于Struts框架的BBS论坛系统怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 基于



The Forum BBS system Based on the Struts framework

This paper from the system outlined to the system based on the detailed design of the struts framework of the Forum bbs to do an in-depth design and detailed briefing. the development process to use development tools : web server tomcat, Mysql database server, integrated development tools and jdk eclipse. Forum whole system is divided into prospects and the background of two large modules. Module prospects which the basic functions are : user registration, user landing, users view and modify personal information, Browse articles published reply to publish a new message, written off and landing; Module background the basic functions are : Administrators landing, Fuzzy Search users, edit user rights, front-page editorial forum to delete Forum plate, fuzzy search message, delete articles.

    JSP ;struts application development framework; WEB ; Components; Internet BBS forum

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