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2013-11-30 01:34
导读:数学论文毕业论文,电子商务网站销售系统样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 电子


摘 要

本人结合系统设计的要求,对数据库管理系统、Visual Studio、asp.NET应用程序设计进行了较深入的学习和应用,完成了在线销售系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。系统运行结果证明,本文所设计的电子商务网站销售系统可以满足客户与管理员双方面的需要。

关键词:销售管理系统;Visual Studio;数据库;数据访问对象(ADO);

E-commerce website marketing system

With the Internet of development of the Internet, more and more enterprises begin to build their own websites. Internet-based information services, e-commerce services has become a modern enterprise indispensable element. Many enterprises have been unsatisfied with the establishment of a simple release information only to the static site. Modern enterprises need is a powerful, can provide the perfect dynamic e-commerce services business website. (转载自http://www.NSEAC.com中国科教评价网)
The design of the paper, on e-commerce websites sales management system launched. E-commerce websites sales management system is typical of the Information Management System (MIS), including development of its key database background to the establishment and maintenance of front-end applications and the development of the two areas. Regarding the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity strong. Data Security for good. As for the latter demanded the application functions, and easy-to-use features.
I combine the requirements of system design, database management system, Visual Studio, asp.NET application design for a more in-depth study and application completed the online sales system needs analysis, function modules, database modeling, This design and structure of the database and application procedures. The result of running the system proves that In this paper, the e-commerce website marketing system to meet client and the manager both needs.
The system has been revised many times, it is inevitable that there are some shortcomings, there are functions in a larger expansion, also need to further develop perfect.

Keywords : sales management system; Visual Studio; Database; Data Access Objects (ADO);

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