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2014-01-28 01:06
导读:数学论文毕业论文,软件项目投资的决策方法论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 软件

关键词:数学模型; 投资决策; 优化

Method of Evaluation and Decision for Software Project
The method of evaluation and decision is an important branch of applied mathematics, while the least Investment is an important part of the method of evaluation and decision.
 In this page we are from the angle of safe economics and using the marginal investment analysis to discuss the better way of investment in the software company, and we built a best mathematical modeling of investment project in the page, and gave a real example to testify the practicality. The discussion about the theory basis and practice can be used to choose a method of evaluation and decision on the software project in a software company.

Key word: Mathematical Model    Decision Investment Project   Optimization

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