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2014-02-03 01:34
导读:数学论文毕业论文,基于ASP.NET的DIY网站样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 基于




With the development of China’s market-oriented economy, Chinese enterprises face heavier and heavier pressure of competition. In order to survive in competition, every corporation must have a saling form which is efficient, convenient for consumers’ shopping and paying. Therefore, shopping on the internet, a new pattern of business running, is more and more applied in competition by businessmen, and this pattern also gets most of convumers’ approuements. This shopping means realiled through explorer, server is now beginning to take shape. Establishment of some electron business website has changed people’s old shopping attitude. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )
How to set up enterprises’ electron business and have enterprises’ business founded on the internet. It is related to set up electron business website, develop efficient business application accordant with the characteristics of internet, administrate trade information on internet, server data on internet, reflect changes of market high-speedly, and sufficiently satispy the demands for further development of internet business, etc. Electron business website is the reavon and basement to exist for a business corporation. At the same time, it is also the window and frame for a corporation to show information to outside world and do business activities, It has to be considered by every electron business website in how to establish a economical, safe to use, efficient, and stable websit.
To solve these problems, except improving external administration efficiency and making full use of external revource, every corporation should lower pwduction cost entirely, pick up the speed of market respondence, improve the quality of service and enterprise’s competction power. However, when enterprise applied information technology cost, technology difficulty, and creative, value ete, should also be considered.

Keywords: ApolloSun, electron business, shopping on the internet.

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