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2014-02-06 01:17
导读:数学论文毕业论文,仿生材料的研究新进展怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 仿生


[摘 要]生物是1个神奇的工程师,它的举手投足之间就能把1些极其普通的元素组合成优异性能和精妙结构的科学艺术作品,其神奇足以另当今最杰出的材料科学家汗颜。生物体经过长期的物竟天择,其结构优美合理、性能优越,是传统材料所不能及的,自然界中1些生物体的优异结构和特性给人类在不断制造和更新新型材料的过程中带来灵感和启发。根据这些生物体的优秀特征综述仿生材料的主要设计思想和方法,重点分析目前1些典型仿生材料如仿生复合材料、仿生陶瓷材料、仿生纳米材料和仿生涂层材料等设计和制备研究的新进展和存在的困难,并提出1些新的材料设计思想方法和制备的模型,最后则展望了仿生材料的发展前景。

[关键词]  仿生学;仿生材料;结构仿生.

The new progress research of biological
modelling material

 [Abstract]  the biology is a mysterious engineer between, it raiseshand steps in can synthesize some extremely ordinary element group theoutstanding performance and the exquisite structure scientificartistic work, its is mysterious sufficiently in addition now the mostoutstanding material scientist to blush with shame. The organismpasses through the long-term thing unexpectedly day to select, itsstructure exquisite reasonable, the performance is superior, is thetraditional material cannot and, in the nature some organismsoutstanding structures and the characteristic unceasingly are makingand in the renewal new material process for the humanity brings theinspiration and the inspiration. According to these organismsoutstanding characteristic summary biological modelling material maindesign thought and the method, the key analysis at present sometypical biological modelling material like design and the preparationresearch and so on biological modelling compound material, biologicalmodelling ceramic material, biological modelling nanometer materialand biological modelling coating material new progress and theexistence difficulty, and proposed some new material design thinkingmethods and the preparation model, finally has forecast thebiological modelling material prospects for development.

[Key word] Bionics, biological modelling material, structure biologicalmodelling.



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