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Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞时空的标量场的自由能

2014-02-09 01:40
导读:数学论文毕业论文,Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞时空的标量场的自由能论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: Gi

Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞时空的标量场的自由能

摘要:本文利用brick-wall方法计算Gibbons-Maeda dilaton 黑洞时空的标量场的自由能,首先,在Gibbons-Maeda dilaton 黑洞背景时空中无质量标量波的Klein-Gordon 方程分离变量,分别得到角向方程径向方程。其中角向方程的解是球谐函数。采用近似方法得到了径向方程的解,最后得到自由能。    

关键词:brick-wall方法 ; Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞 ; 自由能

Free energy in Gibbons-Maeda Dilaton Black Hole Space-time
Abstract: By“Brick-wall”method, we calculate the free energy and the entropy of scalar field in Gibbons-Maeda dilaton black hole space-time. At the frist, We separate the variables of the Klein-Gordon equation in Gibbons-Maeda dilaton black hole spacetime, Angular equation and radial wave equation are obtained. The solution of angular equation is spherical harmonic function. We solve the radial equation by approximation method. Finally, we got the free energy.  

Key words: Brick-wall method, Gibbons-Maeda dilaton black hole, entropy.

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