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2014-02-10 01:17
导读:数学论文毕业论文,新课程理念下的物理科学方法教育论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 新课

摘 要:新课程改革的核心理念是改变学生的学习方式,培养学生终生探究的乐趣,提高学生的科学素质。这使传统的教学方法受到了空前的挑战,而科学方法教育在高中物理教学中越来越成为1个重要的课题。近年来,新课程改革从试点实验阶段到全面推广阶段已进行了大量的实践探索,既总结了大量的经验,又暴露出了1些问题。因此,本文就新课程理念下的物理科学方法教育存在的问题,提出了笔者的1些建议和看法。

Under new curriculum idea physical science method education
Abstract: The new curriculum reforms the core idea changes students study way, raises pleasure which the student life-long inquired into, improves students discipline quality .This caused traditional the teaching method to receive the unprecedented challenge, but the scientific method education more and more became an important topic in the high school physics teaching .In recent years, the new curriculum reformed from the experiment site experiment stage has carried on the massive practices exploration to the comprehensive promoted stage, both summarized the massive experiences, and exposes some questions .Therefore, this article on the new curriculum idea under physical science method education existence question, put forward authors some proposals and the view.

Key words: Curriculum standard;  physics scientific method education

    上一篇:Gibbons-Maeda dilaton黑洞时空的标量场的自由能 下一篇:大学物理(力学)与后续课程(工程力学)教学