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2014-03-26 01:04
导读:数学论文毕业论文,若干概率分布的正态逼近论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 若干


摘 要


The normal approximation of some probability


Various kinds of distribution have played a very important role in the whole probability theory, among them it is most important to regard normal distribution as.a lot of important .many important probability distribution all have something to do with normal distribution; In addition, a lot of important limit distributed is distributed, are all normal distribution under certain condition; Some random probability distribution of variable unknown even, must meet general terms very, it is normal distribution too that its limit is distributed. In my this paper, i introduce the normal approximation of some probability, and discuss the application of them to speak volumes for the important status in the probability statistics of normal distribution.
Key word:The typic Distribution; Eigenfunction; Normal approximation; The application of the normal approximation

目   录

中文摘要﹑关键词-------------------------------------------------------------1 (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
§1 引言---------------------------------------------------------------------2
§2 常用分布-----------------------------------------------------------------2
§3 常用分布的正态逼近--------------------------------------------------------4
§4 在近似计算中的应用-------------------------------------------------------13
§5 其他应用举例 ------------------------------------------------------------15
§6 结束语 ------------------------------------------------------------------22
参考文献 -------------------------------------------------------------------23



    上一篇:论随机变量函数的分布 下一篇:浅谈几类积分的关系