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2014-03-24 01:18
导读:数学论文毕业论文,高中物理与工科物理(力学)的内容衔接研究在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 高中


摘 要:近年来,许多省份已经开始实施高中物理新课程标准,在新课程标准下,高中物理具有了选修性,这就使高中毕业生的知识与能力都将有较大的变化。因此,研究如何处理好大学物理与高中物理内容衔接的问题是如今工科物理内容改革的当务之急。力学作为工科物理教材的第1部分,研究其与高中物理内容衔接的问题得到了广大教育工作者的关注。本文通过对我校计算机科学与技术、材料成型、建筑工程3个专业进行的1项问卷调查,以及对国内两本典型教材的知识点的详细对比,找到了目前我国工科物理与高中物理(力学)内容衔接不好的主要原因。同时,通过对问卷调查结果的详细分析,提出了工科物理教材编写合理化的几点建议。

The content Interconnection of Physics Mechanics between University Engineering Major and High School

Abstract: In recent years, many provinces started to implement the new curriculum standard of physics in the high school, under the new curriculum standard, high school physics had has taken as an elective the nature, that will cause high school graduates knowledge and ability all have the big change. Therefore, how processes the content interconnection of physics between university engineering major and high school is urgent matter of present reform in university engineering major physics. Mechanics is the first part of university engineering major physics textbooks; it obtained the general educators attention to study the content interconnection between university engineering major and high school. The article based on the investigation which to the specialties of computer science and technical、material formation、architectural engineering of our university, and also based on the comparison of the different teaching outlines, the main reasons of the improper interconnection are revealed. In addition, has carried on the detailed analysis to the questionnaire survey result, put forward several proposals of university engineering physics textbooks compilation rationalization. 


Key word: High school physics; Engineering course physics; Mechanics; Content engagement

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