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2014-03-21 01:13
导读:数学论文毕业论文,纳米科学技术及其大自然中的纳米现象的研究论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 纳米科

The research of nanotechnology and its natural phenomenon
Abstract:Nanotechnology (nanotechnology) is the 20th century the late 1980s to develop a this new technology, nanotechnology is the modern science (Chaos physics, quantum mechanics, mesoscopic physics, Molecular biology), and modern technology (computer technology, microelectronics technology and scanning tunneling microscopy) with the product. With nanotechnology development, nanotechnology to the next stage of development will follow nature, from the nature of the phenomena of nanotechnology inspiration for bionic research. In fact, researchers found in nature, seem to be very difficult to explain the phenomena (such as lotus leaf reading) is actually "nano" in the presence of a great relationship. This paper studies the development of nano-technology status and the future prospects and the nature of nano-scale phenomena explored thus stimulate interest in exploring the nature and fully nanoscale science and technology and the peculiar nature of wonderful! 中国大学排名

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