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2014-04-25 01:27
导读:数学论文毕业论文,Banach空间中求解变分包含的(H,m)-算子和预解算子怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: Ba


在Banach中引进了1类新的广义增生算子即(H;m)-增生算子. 通过研究(H;m)-增生算子的性质,我们把联系基本的m-增生算子的预解算子概念扩张到新的(H;m)-增生算子. 鉴于预解算子技巧,我们给出了Banach空间中1类与(H;m)-算子有关的变分包含的逼近解。


H-Accretive Operators and Resolvent Operators Technique for Solving Variational Inclusions in Banach Spaces


In this paper, we first introduce a new class of generalized accretive operators,i.e., (H;m)-accretive operators in Banach spaces. By investigating the properties of (H;m)-accretive operators, we extend the concept of resolvent operators associated with the classical m-accretive operators to the new (H;m)-accretive operators. In terms of the resolvent operator technique, we give the approximate solution for a class of variational inclusions involving (H;m)-accretive operators in Banach spaces.

Keywords:(H;m)-accretive operators;Resolvent operator technique;Variational inclusions;Iterative algorithm。

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