2017-08-08 04:53
导读:文化论文论文,论钱大昕考校两《唐书》的成就(1)论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:摘 要:钱大昕是中国18世纪最有成就的史学大家,所撰《廿二史考异》代表了当
摘 要:钱大昕是中国18世纪最有成就的史学大家,所撰《廿二史考异》代表了当时考证史学的最高成就,而考校两《唐书》是其最主要的内容之一。钱大昕不仅对两《唐书》作了精详的校勘,指出文字的脱、衍、倒、重并纠谬正讹,还对两书在编纂中出现的体例不一、繁简失当、彼此重复等弊病一一论述,同时就两书所及官制及氏族问题深入研究,探幽发微并进行概括总结,全面反映了钱大昕考校两《唐书》的成就。 关键词:钱大昕;《廿二史考异》;两《唐书》;校勘 Abstract:Qian Daxin,the most accomplished historian in China in the 18th century,contributed his Investigative Criticisms of the 22 Histories,one of the most important of which was his investigation of the Two Books of the Tang Dynasty.Qian made meticulous collation of the Two Books of the Tang Dynasty,pointing out the wandering,overextension,reversion and repetition in the text and corrected them one by one.He also enumerated the many weaknesses in the books,such as the confused stylistic rules,imbalance in elaboration and economy,mutual repetition.Above all,he made profound study and inclusive summary of the system of officialdom and clans.All this showed Qian's wholesome achievements in his investigation of the Two Books of the Tang Dynasty. Key Words:Qian Daxin;The Investigative Criticisms of the 22 Histories;The Two Books of the Tang Dynasty;collation