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2017-09-05 02:32

摘  要:篮球比赛是1项要求技术性很强的运动项目。 因此运动员是否具有全面、主动的战术意识很重要,这就需要队员对战术的运用能够审时度势、当机立断。为了推动篮球技术运动水平的发展,促进篮球运动员战术意识的形成与培养,本文采用文献资料法,从理论上分析影响战术意识形成和发展的因素,从实践中摸素出培养篮球战术意识的途径。

关键词:篮球   运动员   战术意识   因素   培养

Simply Analyse the Basketballers Tactics
Consciousness and Train the Method

Abstract: The basketball match is the sports events of a demand with very strong technology. So it is very important whether the athlete has overall , initiative tactics consciousness, this needs team member to size up the situation , decide on the spot to the application of tactics. For promote basketball technology move development of level , promote basketballer forming and cultivation , tactics of consciousness, literary grace this spend documents and materials law , is it influence tactics consciousness form and factor that develop to analyse theoretically, the way to train basketball tactics consciousness fumbles to usually happen from practice.

Key words: Basketball; Athlete ; Tactics consciousness; Factor; Cultivation


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