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dummy depot or the multiple dummy depots,the transition that the jump-offs of vehicles on the way are reposited to the
depot is proposed,making the algorithm for the VRPTW solve the disruption recovery model as before;the customer time
window disruption is analyzed,to help measure the other deviation for VRPTW;A new handling constraint method based on
genetic algorithm is designed,avoiding the difficulty of selecting the penalty factor in penalty strategy and makes the
handling constrain simplify.
【中文关键词】 客户时间窗变动; 车辆路径问题; 干扰管理; 扰动恢复; 遗传算法
【英文关键词】 Customer Time Window Disruption; Vehicle Routing Problem; Disruption Management; Disruption and Recovery;
Genetic Algorithm
摘要 4-5
Abstract 5-6
1.绪论 9-16
1.1 问题的提出 9-10
1.2 国内外同类研究综述 10-15
1.2.1 干扰管理的国内外研究进展 10-12
1.2.2 车辆路径问题的干扰处理方法研究 12-14
1.2.3 客户时间窗变动问题的研究现状 14-15
1.3 本文的主要工作和结构 15-16
2 客户时间窗变动扰动恢复模型 16-37
2.1 原始问题描述及其数学模型 17-18
2.1.1 原始问题描述 17
2.1.2 原始问题的数学模型 17-18
2.2 客户时间窗变动的扰动恢复前提与假设 18
2.3 客户时间窗变动干扰辨识 18-20
2.4 客户时间窗变动的扰动恢复策略 20-21
2.5 虚拟单车场的客户时间窗变动扰动恢复模型 21-29