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摘 要
在一些电子装备的电路板故障检测仪中,往往需要频率、幅度都能由计算机自动调节的信号源。采用诸如MAX038信号发生器芯片外加电阻及切换开关等器件虽然也能调节频率和幅度,但这种调节是离散的,且电路复杂,使用不方便。而采用直接数字合成芯片AD7008构成的可控信号源,可生产正弦波、调频波、调幅波及方波等,并且其信号的频率和幅度可由微机来精确控制,调节非常方便。 本介绍用AT89S51单片微机控制直接数字频率合成器DDS AD7008进行参数设置和软件编程,实现可生产正弦波、调频波、调幅波及方波等,并且其信号的频率和幅度可由微处理器来精确控制,调节非常方便。本设计课题是利用所学的电路和编程语言知识,用51系列的单片机控制DDS芯片(AD7008)来完成的,可实现调频,调相,调幅信号的输出。
关键字:直接数字合成(DDS); AD7008;AT89S51单片微机。
In some electronic equipments electric circuit board fail monitors, often needs the frequency, the scope all can by the computer automatic
control supply oscillator. Uses such as MAX038 signal generating
device component and so on chip sur- resistance and cut switch
although also can adjust the frequency and the scope, but this kind of
adjustment is separate, also the electric circuit is complex, uses not
conveniently.But uses the direct digital synthesis chip AD7008 constitution the controllable supply oscillator, may produce the sine wave, the frequency-modulated wave, the amplitude modulation affects the 本文来自中国科教评价网
square-wave and so on, and its signal frequency and the scope may come
the accuracy control by the microcomputer, the adjustment to be
extremely convenient.
The present paper introduced carries on the parameter establishment
and the software programming with AT89S51 monolithic microcomputer
control direct numeral frequency synthesizer DDS AD7008, the
realization may produce the sine wave, the frequency-modulated wave,
the amplitude modulation affects the square-wave and so on, and its
signal frequency and the scope may come the accuracy control by the
microprocessor, the adjustment to be extremely convenient. This design topic is the electric circuit and the programming language knowledge which the use studies, controls with 51 series monolithic integrated circuits, may realize the frequency modulation which D D S chip (A D 7,008) completes, the phase modulation, the amplititude-modulated signal output.
The article first introduced the DDS theory knowledge, then in detail
introduced realizes this kind of theory hardware equipment, according
to hardware equipment determination design proposal. Then is to the
design proposal concrete description. In the description, in detail
introduced the AD7008 function characteristic.
Key words: DDS; AD7008; AT89S51 monolithic microcomputer.
引 言
自本世纪30年代末频率合成技术开始建立,迄今为止,频率合成技术已有近70年的历史。随着数字集成电路和微电子技术的发展,1971年,美国学者J.Tierney,C.M.Rader和B.Gold提出了以全数字技术,从相位概念出发直接合成所需波形的一种新的频率合成原理——直接数字频率合成(Direct Digital Frequency Synthesize)技术,它将先进的数字处理技术和方法引入信号合成领域。DDS的出现导致了频率合成技术领域的第二次革命。
直接数字频率合成器(Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis简称DDS)问世之初,构成DDS元器件的速度的限制和数字化引起的噪声这两个主要缺点阻碍了DDS的发展与实际应用。近几年超高速数字电路的发展以及对DDS的深入研究,DDS的最高工作频率以及噪声性能已接近并达到锁相频率合成器相当的水平。随着微电子技术的迅速发展,直接数字频率合成器得到了飞速的发展,它以有别于其它频率合成方法的优越性能和特点成为现代频率合成技术中的姣姣者。其主要优点有:(1)频率转换快:DDS频率转换时间短,一般在纳秒级;(2)分辨率高:大多数DDS可提供的频率分辨率在1 Hz数量级,许多可达0.001 Hz;(3)频率合成范围宽;(4)相位噪声低,信号纯度高;(5)可控制相位:DDS可方便地控制输出信号的相位,在频率变换时也能保持相位联系;(6)生成的正弦/余弦信号正交特性好等。因此,利用DDS技术特别容易产生频率快速转换、分辨率高、相位可控的信号,这在电子测量、雷达系统、调频通信、电子对抗等领域具有十分广泛的应用前景。 (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)