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作者:周飞国,严以群,黄 亮,刘才峰,张向化,晏建军
【摘要】 目的 分析肝内钙化灶的临床和影像特征。方法 对我科近6年来在住院病人中发现的17例肝内钙化灶临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 钙化灶单发6例,多发11例;位于肝右叶13例,左叶2例,左右叶均有2例;肝包膜下3例,肝实质内14例;直径5~40mm不等。B超表现为肝内强回声后方伴声影;CT表现为肝内极高密度影,CT值约100~200HU,明显高于肝组织及肝内胆管结石密度;ERCP、MRCP未见钙化灶所在区域肝内胆管扩张及充盈缺损。其中1例行肝右叶病灶局部切除,见钙化灶多发,呈乳白色,界限清楚,无包膜,质地较硬。结论 肝内钙化灶是肝脏某些病变稳定或愈合后的一种病理改变,临床上易与肝内胆管结石混淆,典型的根据B超、CT表现可明确诊断。钙化灶形成后即稳定存在,对身体无明显不利影响,一般不需外科治疗。
【关键词】 钙化;肝脏;诊断
Clinical analysis of intrahepatic calcification
【Abstract】 Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics of intrahepatic calcification.Methods The clinical data of seventeen patients with intrahepatic calcification were retrospectively analysed.Results For majority cases,lesions were multiple and located in the right lobe of liver,within the liver parenchyma.The size was from 5 to 4mm in diameter.High echo with acoustic shadow was the main ultrasound feature.The CT finding was of very high density lesions,which was obviously higher than that of liver parenchyma and calculus of intrahepatic duct.Cholangiectasis and filling defect were not displayed in ERCP or MRCP.Local hepatic resection was performed in one case,in which multiple,white and hard lesions without capsule were found.Conclusion Intrahepatic calcification might be a sort of pathological change in the healing process of some liver diseases.Typical cases can be correctly diagnosed by ultrasound and CT scan.Lesions are stable and not harmful to health.Surgical treatment is then not required.