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【关键词】 AngleⅡ类错牙合;正畸治疗;稳定性
[摘要] 目的 本研究旨在探讨AngleⅡ类错牙合畸形患者正畸治疗后牙牙合变化的趋势,并探讨和预测影响牙牙合变化的相关因素,以期为临床实践提供参考。方法 选取10~26岁的AngleⅡ类错牙合畸形患者60例,以16岁为界,分为A、B两组,分别研究在治疗前、治疗后及摘除保持器后的平均第29.56个月三个不同时期的牙牙合模型,选择10项模型测量指标对牙牙合变化进行评估,对所得数据采用配对t检验,多因素方差分析,多元相关分析。结果 保持后牙牙合关系有向治疗前回复的趋势,但仍旧保持了大部分的治疗效果,各项指标的变化在A、B两组中有显著性差别。结论 早期矫治有利于Ⅱ类患者的稳定。上尖牙间宽度较下尖牙间宽度更稳定,下尖牙间宽度保持后缩小明显且伴随下前牙拥挤增大。
[关键词] AngleⅡ类错牙合;正畸治疗;稳定性
Long-term stability of Angle class Ⅱ malocclusion after orthodontic treatment
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the trend of change in Angle's Ⅱmalocclusion after orthodontic treatment,and to analyze some possible factors which may predict or affect these changes,providing some reference for the clinical practice.Methods The sample consisted of 60 patients with Angle class Ⅱmalocclusion between 10~26 years,the patients before 16 years were divided into Group A,those after 16 years were divided into Group B.To evaluate the study models of pre-treatment,post-treatment and out of retention,ten variables were chosen to evaluate the change of occlusion paired T test,analysis of variance,correlation analysis were applied to the data. Results The dental relationship tend to return toward their pretreatment values after treatment,while still remaining a major part of the correction.The values have significant differences between the group A and B. Conclusion The early treatment is stable;the maxillary intercuspid width tended to be more stable than the mandibular one. The mandibular intercuspid width decreased significantly accompanied by the relapse of mandibular crowding.