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2013-09-04 01:05
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,卡通饮水机底座产品完善及注射成形模具设计怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘要



In recent years,with the development of manufacturing industry,an injection mould which was widely applied in many fields was been developed fast.Meanwhile,the higher requirement of the rapidity and rationality of the injection mould was proposed.
With the application of 3D design software and simulation,the lead time of a mould was shortened with an increase in technology content as well as a reduction in cost in foreign nations.While the development status at home was not very good.In terms of increasing the competitiveness of injection mould industry,foreign experience and development must be learned and effective measures should be taken.
After the analysis for the plastic the base of cartoon water supply machine,the injection mould of the base of cartoon water supply machine was designed by modeling created by parameters based on UG and AutoCAD.So the functional defect of 3D modeling based on AutoCAD was avoided and a feasible method for the design and manufacture of the injection mould was approached.In this paper,the desirable results and expected design were achieved.

Key words:injection mould;UG software;mould design;drinking fountains;  (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)

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