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【摘要】 目的 观察联合用药预防激素性股骨头坏死对血浆NO含量的影响,探讨联合用药预防的作用机制。方法 30只兔随机分成三组:对照组同期肌内注射生理盐水;激素组是给予糖皮质激素肌注;治疗组在给予同剂量糖皮质激素同时,每日使用血塞通、脂必妥和阿仑膦酸钠;观察股骨头组织学变化,用免疫组化技术检测血浆NO含量的变化。结果 激素组股骨头软骨下骨小梁稀疏、断裂,脂肪细胞直径增大,空骨陷窝较多,血浆NO含量显著低于对照组;治疗组股骨头软骨下骨小梁结构较正常,血浆NO含量显著高于激素组。结论 联合应用血塞通、脂必妥和阿仑膦酸钠能预防和减缓激素性股骨头的发生,血浆NO含量升高是联合用药预防的作用途径之一。
Effect of drugs preventing steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head on the content of nitric oxide in plasma
CHEN Xiu-qin,LI Jing-tian,ZOU Jin-hui,et al.Department of Physiology,Medical College of Shaoguan University,Guangdong 512026,China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effect of drugs preventing steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head on the content of nitric oxide in plasma in order to investigate the role of the joint drug in the prevention mechanism.Methods Thirty rabbits were divided randomly into 3 groups:group A,guoup B and group C.Rabbits in group A were injected with normal saline; rabbits in group B were treated with glucocorticoid; rabbits in group C were treated with glucocorticoid as that in group B,and meanwhile,orally received the panax notoginseng saponins,zhibituo and alenduonate for 8 weeks.Histopathological structure and the content of nitric oxide in plasma were observed.Results The trabecula of femoral head of the B group changedthinner and more sparse,the bone marrow cavity with edema and large fatty cells were also observed and the content of nitric oxide in plasma of group B was significantly lower than those of group A.The trabecula of femoral head of the C group was normal and the content of nitric oxide in plasma of group C was significantly higher than those of group B.Conclusion The Zhibituo,Panax notoginseng saponins and Alenduonate may prevent steroid-induced necrosis of femoral head and the rising of the content of nitric oxide in plasma was one of the way of drugs preventing steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
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