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2017-08-06 04:36
导读:法学论文毕业论文,论代位权诉讼论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要




The generation of position power lawsuit belongs to a way of preserving creditors rights,  Our country has passed "Peoples Republic of China Contract Law" on March 15,  1999 in which established the creditor generation of position power in the 73rd in the legislation for the first time officially.  Afterwards,  the Supreme Peoples Court made a judicial interpretation to the generation of position power lawsuit how can it operates concretely.  the aim that our country establishes the generation of position power lawsuit system is to solves the massive existences "the triangle debt" questions in the real life,  but whether it can enhances the judicial efficiency and practically safeguard creditors legitimate benefit or not,  this article will proposes its own opinion on the generation of position power from the generation of position power lawsuit tenable condition,  litigant’s lawsuit status and the related procedure so on.

Key words: Preserves the system;  Generation of position power lawsuit ;  Right of suit ; Main body;  Lawsuit sign
摘   要




The generation of position power lawsuit belongs to a way of preserving creditors rights,  Our country has passed "Peoples Republic of China Contract Law" on March 15,  1999 in which established the creditor generation of position power in the 73rd in the legislation for the first time officially.  Afterwards,  the Supreme Peoples Court made a judicial interpretation to the generation of position power lawsuit how can it operates concretely.  the aim that our country establishes the generation of position power lawsuit system is to solves the massive existences "the triangle debt" questions in the real life,  but whether it can enhances the judicial efficiency and practically safeguard creditors legitimate benefit or not,  this article will proposes its own opinion on the generation of position power from the generation of position power lawsuit tenable condition,  litigant’s lawsuit status and the related procedure so on.

Key words: Preserves the system;  Generation of position power lawsuit ;  Right of suit ; Main body;  Lawsuit sign


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