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2014-11-08 01:15



Study on the behavior of Chinese fast-food consumer
Abstract:Life pace increasingly speeding-up and traditional housework continuously socializing bestows domestic fast-food with historic opportunities. On one hand, its rapid development and keen competition in the industry brings about higher requirements on business management. On the other hand, it is difficult for Chinese fast-food to adapt to rapid expansion in the industry because it was derived from traditional Chinese food industry just for a short time, Its business mode is inflexible while facing up with competition pressure from western fast-food business. So, how to introduce new business philosophies and management methodologies is an important question for Chinese fast-food enterprises to answer while they are expanding their business. This paper gives a brief introduction of features and existing problems of Chinese fast-food, raises the ideology to solve the problems through researching the Chinese fast-food consumer behavior, describes Chinese fast-food concept and consumer types as well as Chinese fast-food consumer’s behavior characteristics and impact factors, then draws some business proposals.

Key words: Chinese fast-food consumer; Behavior research; Service proposals (科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

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