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2014-12-07 01:39

摘  要:21世纪是饭店集团化竞争的世纪,随着国际饭店集团的全面加入,中国本土饭店的壮大,注定给我国的饭店集团化带来新的机遇,如何理性面对中国饭店集团化发展,使之在增加饭店竞争力与效益方面发挥重大作用。为此先本文介绍了饭店集团化基本概念,针对我国饭店集团的现状作了的阐述,结合我国旅游饭店集团化发展的现状,提出目前我国饭店进行集团化经营的发展策略,并预见了这种集团化经营的发展趋势。

关键字:饭店集团化; 现状; 战略

On current situation and trend of
china’s hotel group
Abstract: 21st century is the century for hotel group to compete . With the joining of international hotels and enlarging of Chinese hotels. China’s hotel groups have new opportunities. This paper introduces the basic concept of hotel group, discusses how to face the development of china’s hotel group in order to increase competence and efficiency, analyzes current situation of china’s hotel group development and point out development strategy and trend of hotel group.

Key word: hotel group; current situation; Strategy

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