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2014-12-07 01:39

摘要: “金钥匙”服务是1种专业化的饭店极致服务,“金钥匙”指的是从事酒店大堂工作并且利用其所掌握的丰富的信息和经验为客人提供个性化服务的高级礼宾人员。本文通过对“金钥匙”服务的基本分析,详细介绍了“金钥匙”基本素质能力的要求,并对“金钥匙”服务职责进行了分析。


"Golden Key" Functions and the Quality of Service Requirement on China Hotel
Abstract: "Golden Key" is a professional service in the hotel extreme, "Golden Key" is engaged in the hotel lobby and work with some experience of their own understanding of the rich outsiders letter income for the guests to provide personalized services of senior protocol officers. Based on the " Golden key" for a basic understanding, detailing the "Golden Key" basic quality of our ability, as well as the "golden key" service functions were analyzed.

Keywords: Hotel;"Golden Key";Service responsibility; Quality skills

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