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2014-12-10 01:45

摘要: 酒店业作为我国目前发展最为迅速的行业之1,为社会提供了大量的就业机会。但酒店自身则面临着人员流失率高的威胁,影响企业的持续发展。在酒店员工对酒店发展作用分析的基础上,本文探讨了目前我国酒店行业的员工流失现状和员工流失的特征,分析了酒店员工流失的原因及其影响,认为工作不稳定、薪水待遇低以及用人机制不合理是造成酒店员工高流失率的原因,而酒店员工的高流失率则会使酒店服务质量下降、客源流失、士气低落和管理成本上升。因此,酒店必须在工作环境、激励机制和薪酬管理等方面采取措施,以降低酒店行业人才流失率,稳定员工队伍。

关键词: 酒店员工;流失;对应措施

On the hotel staff drain in our country and its countermeasures
Abstract: as one of the most rapidly developing industries in our country, hotel industry has provided the community with a large number of employment opportunities. However, the hotel is facing with the threat of a high drain rate, which affect the sustainable development of enterprises. Basing on the analyses of the role that the hotel staff pays to the hotels, this paper probes the status and characteristics of the hotel staff drain in our country, and analyzes its cause and influence. It is thinking that the unsteady job, low salary payment and unreasonable personnel mechanism is the cause for high rate of hotel staff drain, and the high rate of hotel staff drain would lead to the service quality of hotel coming down, and customer resource running off, the morale of the troops sinking lower and manages cost rising. Therefore, the hotel must adopt manage countermeasures in the work environment, incentive mechanism and salary payment and so on, in order to reduce the rate of staff drain in hotel industry and stabilize the employee team.

Key words: Hotel; staff drain; countermeasures (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)

    上一篇:提高旅游酒店员工素质浅议 下一篇:试析生态旅游景区的游客管理