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2014-12-10 01:46




The Influence of
the Hotel Culture on Staff’s Management
Abstract: The hotel culture is an important factor which influences staffs management, and is also a valid means by which the hotel can improve the competitiveness. Hotel culture as a power which can influence staff’s thought, it performs a function as direction, control, cohesion and excitation on staff’s behavior. Hotel culture is helpful to cultivate the consciousness of staff’s self-management, to strengthen the cohesion force of staffs, to improve the quality of staffs. This text expatiated the concept of hotel culture, analyzed the importance of hotel culture toward the staffs management and the recent situation of staff’s management in hotels. Besides, based on those, it’s put forward some countermeasures for the hotel to manage staffs with corporate culture.

Key words: hotel culture; staffs management; recent situation; countermeasures

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