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2014-01-11 01:13
导读:电子商务论文毕业论文,企业固定资产管理系统VC论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:摘 要固定资产是每个企业不可缺少的重要部分,加强固定资产管理,可以优
摘 要
固定资产是每个企业不可缺少的重要部分,加强固定资产管理,可以优化企业的资源配置。本系统适用于中小企业。企业固定资产管理系统是一个典型的(Management Information System,简记为MIS)。本系统采用Microsoft Access作为后台数据库,利用数据库访问对象(Data Access Object,简记为DAO)进行前端数据操作。主要借助了MFC DAO的CDaoDatebase类和CDaoRecordset类。本系统主要维护固定资产的登记、清理、借出还入、维修、折旧等信息,实现设备的日常管理功能。通过一系列查询功能,可方便的获知每一件固定资产的状态及当前所处位置。保证了企业中的每一件物品发挥其最大的效用。
关键词:固定资产管理系统;信息管理系统(MIS);Access;后台数据库 ; 数据库访问对象(DAO)。
The fixed asset is each enterprise essential important part, strengthens the fixed asset management, may optimize the enterprise the resources disposition. This system is suitable for mid- and small-scale enterprise. The enterprise fixed asset management system management system is typical (Management Information System, Jan Jiwei MIS). This system uses Microsoft Access front end to take the backstage database, uses the database visit object (Data Access Object, Jan Jiwei DAO) carries on the data manipulation. Mainly has drawn support from MFC DAO CDaoDatebase kind and the CDaoRecordset kind. This system main maintenance fixed asset registration, the cleaning up, loans also enters, the service, amortizes and so on the information, realizes the equipment daily management function. Through a series of inquiries function, may facilitate learned each fixed asset the condition and current locates the position. Had guaranteed in enterprises each goods display its biggest effectiveness. (科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)
The present paper divides seven parts of compositions: The first part introduced the system development kit; The second part introduced the development background; The third part introduced the system demand analysis, mainly introduced the data flow chart and the system feasibility analysis; The fourth part introduced the database design, mainly includes the database demand analysis and the table structural design and so on; The fifth part introduced the system function analysis and the design, mainly introduced the system main function realization; The sixth part introduced the system module window foundation and the system function code realization; The seventh part is the system test.
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