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2015-03-30 01:01



The Existed Problems and Dealing Ways during the Development of E-bank In Our Country
Abstract:Internet banking is the banking organization or virtual websites. It is based upon Internet or others electronics communication network means to provide kinds of finance service.
The fist, introduce the Internet banking creation, Introduced the network bank produces the foundation, namely electronic commerce as well as our country develop the network bank background and its development present situation,demonstrate that development of Internet banking in our country is suit for both facets: the demand to reply the international challenge and the demand to development itself.
The second, via investing the Internet banking in our country, for example-China Merchants Bank, analyse our Internet banking status in quo, developmental trend and problem and countermeasure, point out blemish, that are the exterior social milieu and Internet financial services poor,is the biggest obstacle of our Internet banking. 本文来自中国科教评价网
The last, according to the analyses and the successful experience of China Merchants Bank, put forward the following homologous countermeasure of solution: constructing the good exterior environment, improving the Internet banking management, enhance the Internet banking marketing, putting into practice talented persons strategy and enhance the Internet banking supervision.

Keywords: E-business;Net-bank;Development

    上一篇:西部旅游电子商务的发展现状、问题及对策 下一篇:没有了