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2015-04-12 01:11




The Study on Internet Distribution Channels
Abstract: With Internets advancing and its being used, the market environment that every enterprise is in face of has had a deep change, which brings a profound effect to every managing level of enterprise. Distribution, being the closest and most sensitive relationship to the market, will also encounter transform and challenge.
On the basis of introducing the distributions theory, the paper tells the actuality of the development of Internet distribution channels, and many problems of the development of Internet distribution channels are analyzed. Such as the quality of products, after service and security of a deal cannot be safeguarded, logistics often drop behind. The paper also gives some advices from enterprise interior and enterprise exterior angle, for example, the government should intensify legislation, a company can potentiate its safety management, which will help enterprise adapts the network time competition.

Key words: Internet; distribution channels; Internet distribution


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