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2015-04-13 02:11



Analysis of TaoBao’s profit model
Abstract: With the change of people’s spending attitudes, and with on-line shopping environment getting better. Domestic C2C websites’ transaction has become increasingly frequent, and C2C websites are having good prospects. TaoBao and eBay currently occupy the majority of C2C market, but the domestic C2C websites have basically no profit. Therefore, finding their unique profit model suitable for the domestic C2C market, and changing the non-profit status is the most urgent thing to do.
This article analyzes TaoBao’s profit model, and also analyzes and aggregates profit models TaoBao tried, like " Zhao Cai Jin Bao ", "B2C Brand Mall fees" and " TaoBao City" , Through the analysis, this article points out that TaoBao should continue to Provide basic services for free, and should focus on the value-added services to gain the profit ultimately.

Keywords: C2C; TaoBao; Profit Model;  Analysis

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