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2015-04-14 01:01


摘要:  C2C交易是近年来发展较为迅速的电子商务交易模式,其全民参与性和方便快捷的交易流程决定了它的良好前景,然而交易中的诚信问题日益成为影响其健康发展的巨大障碍,直接或间接地影响着社会经济活动健康、有序、快速、稳定发展。本文的研究是在归纳总结我国C2C电子商务诚信问题现状基础上,从系统的角度出发,在软环境(包括诚信道德意识、C2C电子商务法律法规、个人信用体系)和硬环境(包括系统安全基础、买方、C2C电子商务网站、卖方、政府专门监管机构)两个大的方面分析我国电子商务中的诚信问题根源,并系统地提出了解决诚信问题的相应对策,以期突破诚信瓶颈,使我国C2C尽快走上健康、快速发展的道路。

关键字 : C2C;电子商务;诚信;软环境;硬环境

Integrity Problem And According Solution To Our Country’s C2C Electronic Commerce

Abstract:  C2C is one of the e-commerce modes which developed rapid in recent years. Because of its convenience and the large number of users, it will have a very good prospect. However, The problem of integrity in commerce became more and more serious and has been a huge barrier in C2C’s healthy developing road. The research of this article is based on the summary of our countrys electronic commerce. From systems angle in these two areas which is the soft environment (incloding the sense of integrity, the laws and rgulations of C2C and system of personal credit) and hard environment (incloding the base of system safety, the buyer, the C2C web site, the seller and the specialized government institutions) ,it analysis the reasons about integrity of our electronic commerce.And to bring forward the according solution to the problem of integrity , so that we can break the huge barrier and let’s C2C have a healthy and fast developing road .

Key words : C 2 C ; Electronic Commerce ; Integrity ; soft environment ; hard environment (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)

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