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2015-04-13 02:11



The Electronic Commerce Solution for the Grand Regency Hotel in Qingdao
Profession:Electronic Commerce   Author:Xianglei Zhu  Instructor:Junjie Ye

Abstract: The Electronic Commerce Solution for the Grand Regency Hotel in Qingdao is mained to help the Grand Regency Hotel to adopt the most advanced technology and puts method into practice,actualized the modern Electronic Commerce.The primary coverage of the Electronic Commerce solution for the Grand Regency Hotel is including the analysis of environment to the hotel,feasibility analysis, demand analysis and the main functional design for system module, including booking the house , member administration , e-administration , business affairs exchange , employee on the net moving mutually and etc. And using modern Project Management,  to work out a particular plan for three phases: preparatory work for new projects,training and regulating system,project implementation,in order to promote the competitiveness.

Keywords: Electronic Commerce ;Hotel,;Resolve scheme; Demand analysis


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