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摘要:旅游电子商务成功与否与模式选择有直接关系,现阶段影响我国企业电子商务运作的原因有企业信息化、电子商务现有技术水平、社会信用等,本文探讨了当今旅游电子商务应用的主要模式,通过对这几种模式的举例分析以及比较提出了适合我国旅游电子商务的最新模式,即B2B2C模式,B2B2C电子商务与其他电子商务的最大不同在于它已经不是单1的网站运营模式,也不是双方的互动协作模式,而是多方联营的复合型或混合型的电子商务模式,其中的B 可以是单1的企业,也可能是企业群。这种模式会随着企业与企业、政府与政府、政府与企业之间的合作加深,将在未来电子商务领域扮演越来越重要的角色。
Patterns’Research of Traveling E-Commerce
Abstract:The traveling electronic commerce succeeds or not has the direct relation with the pattern choice, the reasons affect our country enterprise electronic commerce operation at present are the enterprise information, the electronic commerce existing technical level, the social credit and so on, this article discusses main patterns of the current traveling e-commerce,it proposes the newest pattern which is suitable for our country according to the analysis to these patterns, Namely cross platform B2B2C strategy alliance pattern,the difference between B2B2C and other patterns is that it isn’t a singal operating pattern in web, also is not the bilateral interaction cooperation pattern,but is the joint management compound or the mixed typeelectronic commerce pattern, B may be the sole enterprise, also possibly is the enterprise group. this kind of pattern can be developing along with the cooperation between the enterprise and the enterprise, the government and the government, the government and enterprise,it will be more and more important in the e-commerce scope in the future.
Key words: electronic commerce pattern; traveling electronic commerce; B2B2C pattern; (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)