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2015-04-15 01:10

摘要:网上书店是近年来随着网络技术的发展而产生的1种新型的书店形式。网上书店的兴起,实际上是 Internet和电子商务在图书业发展的必然结果,它使传统的图书销售业发生了根本性的变革,同时也使传统的购书方式发生了根本性的变化。针对如此大规模的机遇与挑战,对国内网上书店的发展状况有1个全面而科学的分析已是迫在眉睫之事。


The Study of Online Bookstore’s State of Art and
developing Strategies in our Country
Abstract: Online bookstore is new bookstore mode with developing of network technique. The rise of the online bookstore, in fact it is foregone conclusion of Internet and EC developing book industry. It makes both traditional book selling and way of buying books happen radical change. Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge, full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore’s development in our country is the most urgent situation.
My thesis starts from living circumstance of online bookstore and EC theory, through analytical study of currently online bookstores the state of art and questions, at last, bring forward the resolve measures and the strategies, and try my best to find out a road of suiting our country and Chinese characteristics.

Key words: Online Bookstore;  Internet;  Electronic Commerce

    上一篇:我国C2C电子商务中的诚信问题及对策 下一篇:网上拍卖发展的瓶颈及其对策研究