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2015-04-15 01:10

摘 要:随着电子商务的发展,拍卖业走出传统运作模式,实现了网上拍卖。与传统拍卖相比,网上拍卖能够极大地扩展交易领域,有效地促成网上交易,使其保持1种较为激烈的竞争状态。然而,网上拍卖过程中存在的问题,阻滞着交易活动的进行,成为网上拍卖发展的瓶颈。本文针对网上拍卖发展中有关法律、信用、税收3个方面的问题进行分析,并提出相关对策。以此来营造良好的网络环境,保护并促进网上拍卖持续、稳定、健康的发展。

关键字: 网上拍卖,瓶颈,法律,信用,税收

Research on Bottleneck and Countermeasure of
Web Auction Development

Abstract:With the development of the electronic commerce, the auction trade went out from the traditional operation patter, and realized auction online. Compared with the traditional auction, the web auction can not only expand the transaction domain enormously, but also facilitate the transaction online effectively, so that a keen competition can be maintained. However, there are questions in the process of web auction, which are hindering the march of transaction activity. These questions become the bottleneck of the development of the web auction. This dissertation aims to carry on the analysis of law, credit and tax revenue 3 aspects questions on the development of web auction. And the related countermeasure, by which we can build a good network environment and protect and promote the web auction to progress continually, stably as well as healthily, is proposed.  

Keywords:auction online, bottleneck, law, credit, tax revenue


    上一篇:我国网上书店的现状及发展策略研究 下一篇:没有了