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2015-05-08 02:17


关键词 :电子商务;金融业;网上银行
Under the electronic commerce environment develops our country finance industry question and the countermeasure
Abstract: The rapid development of e-commerce has become an emerging and strong vitality part of China Market Economic. As the financial industry playing a leading role in market economy, developing in the forefront of electronic commerce.
The first part of this paper discussed the content of the e-business, features, the development status and trends. The second part is introducing four issues, which will happen in the developing e-commerce of Chinas financial industry. On the third part is to find out the solution and recommendations to the issues. Trying to solution the issues of E-commerce in the financial industry. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)
In this paper, the innovation is the end of the article is the case analysis, which is China Merchants Bank created the first domestic Internet banking successfully. And then further exposition of the tremendous benefits and development prospects in e-commerce and the financial industry’s cooperation.
Through the above exposition, with the influence and strategy in Chinas financial industry for the purpose, raising issues to the banking sector, solution the issues in the forward prospects. I do a great deal of analysis, Research and investigate, draw conclusions in the end. Hoping our financial industry will become flourished with the development of e-commerce.

Key words:  E-commerce;Finance industry;e-Bank

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