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2015-05-06 02:04


摘  要:Internet的发展和应用,改变了传统的营销环境,企业的营销模式也从传统的市场营销模式转向E-营销模式。E-营销模式具有覆盖广、跨时间、跨地域等特点。企业必须适应网络经济的环境变化,实施E-营销。本文所探讨的E-营销模式是从模式的参与者出发,分析了企业对企业的营销模式和企业对消费者的营销模式,并从中分析了模式的优缺点。同时分析了E-营销模式与传统营销模式的区别,以及E-营销模式的实施途径。最后提出了有效地实施E-营销的几点建议,旨在为企业E-营销提供宝贵的经验。

关键词: 电子商务环境;营销模式;营销策略

 Reseach on E-Marketing model of Enterprises

Abstract:With the development and application of internet, the traditional marketing environment has changed, and the marketing model also changs from the traditional marketing model to E-marketing model. E-marketing mode is characteristics of wide coverage, time acrossing and transregion. Enterprise have to be adapt to changes of the network environment and implement E-Marketing stratege. This paper Analyze the business-to-business marketing models and business-to-consumer saling model and strengths and weaknesses of the model based on the participants. Then the paper illuminate the distinction between E-marketing model and the traditional marketing model, and approach of implimentation of E-marketing model Finally, the thesis proposes some recommendations of effective implementation of E-marketing aiming at providing valuable experience for enterprise.

Keywords : E-Commerce environment; Marketing model; Marketing Strategy

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