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2015-05-06 02:03

摘要:网络营销是企业整体营销战略的1个组成部分,是为实现企业总体经营目标所进行的,以互联网为基本手段营造网上经营环境的各种活动,包括树立网络品牌,开拓产品或服务市场,发布企业信息,提供技术支持,进行网上市场调研等活动。企业通过互联网捕捉信息,创造商机,使网上经营活动的整体效益最大化。 [1]然而,如何在海量的信息中让自己的企业脱颖而出,又如何充分利用互联网络快捷方便进行市场营销成为湖北省中小企业面临的重要课题。有鉴于此,本文通过对湖北省中小企业网络营销现状和存在问题的分析,制定了湖北省中小企业网络营销的网站策略、客户关系管理策略、数据库策略、促销策略、网上市场调研策略,并提出了1系列的保障措施,最后对湖北省中小企业发展网络营销的前景进行了分析。

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Network Marketing Strategy Research in Hubei Province
Abstract : The network marketing is a constituent of enterprise overall marketing strategy, it takes Internet which carries on for realizing enterprise overall management goal as the essential method building the on-line management environment each kind of activity, including setting up the network brand, product or the service market the development, issuing the enterprise information, providing the technical support, carrying on activity and on-line market investigation and study and so on. The enterprise captures information and creation opportunity through the Internet, causing the overall benefit maximum on-line management. However, how do our enterprise bloom in a lot of information, and how to use fully quickly internet carries on the market marketing to becomes the very important topic which Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Hubei Province face now.Under this precondition,this article through present situation and existence question analysis of Hubei Province mid and small scale enterprise network marketing, has formulated the network marketing website strategy, the sevice of customer strategy, the database strategy, the promotion strategy, the on-line market investigation and study strategy of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Hubei Province, and proposed a series of safeguards measure, finally developed the network marketing prospect to mid and small scale enterprise in Hubei Province to carry on the analysis.

Key word: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises ; Network marketing; Strategy 

(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)

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