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2015-05-03 01:44


关键字:冷饮企业;  网络营销;  策略

The research of E-marketing in cold drink industry with real demonstration
Abstract: As we all know, the market share of cold drink has a substantial room for growth in our country with a population of1.3 billion, and the enterprises of the cold drink industry have good prospects for development. But in fact, the cold drink industry is just at the initial stage in our country. There exists a huge disparity between our country and the developed countries in the average cold drink consumption level per person, which is extremely not symmetrical with the sudden economical growth in our country. At present, the "Heluxue" "Quechao" , the bellwethers in cold drink enterprises has implemented the network marketing in the whole world, and has already obtained the extremely good achievement. With the China joining the World Trade Organization, overseas-funded enterprises in the cold drink industry have entered and stationed in our country gradually, so the domestic enterprises are facing a situation of cut-throat competition. However, competition consciousness of the enterprises in our country is weak, and the marketing pattern is mainly the independing marketing by the agents. In our country, the network marketing has not obtained the fast development in the enterprises of cold drink, having a big gap compared in the marketing idea with the brand overseas-funded enterprises. How to get own development in the intense competition of cold drink? This is the main question that this article will solve. The article starts from the successful case of Meiyile Company, taking my experience in the Meiyile Company as the foundation, and then analyzes the present situation of network marketing in cold drink enterprises and the consumers’ characteristic, confirming the cold drink enterprises to implement the network marketing strategy with the method of real demonstration.

Keywords: the enterprises of cold drink; E-marketing; strategy


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