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摘要: 在全球电子商务快速发展的情况下,我国传统0售业既面临挑战,又迎来不可多得的机遇。为了在激烈的竞争中求生存和发展,很多0售企业开始尝试利用电子商务带来的优势来开展商务活动,网上0售就是在这种情况下应运而生了。网上0售是BtoC电子商务的1种,作为1种新兴的0售业态,它有自己的优势和特点,同时,在电子商务发展并不完善的今天,0售企业开展网上0售必将碰到很多障碍。本从网上0售的经营现状出发,分析了目前0售企业开展网上0售所面临的各种问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策,同时,以已成功开展网上0售的当当网做为案例,分析和总结了当当网在面对网上0售的各种问题时的解决策略,为想要尝试和正在开展网上0售的企业提供借鉴和参考。
The measures to the problems faced by retail enterprise which run online retail
Abstract:Under the rapid development of global e-commerce, traditional retail trade of our country is facing both challenges and a rare opportunity. For begging the survival and development in the intense competition, a lot of retail enterprises start to try to make use of the advantages of electronic commerce to conduct business activities. Retail online emerges in such a situation. Retail online is a kind of B to C e-commerce. As a new kind of retail, Retail online has its own advantages and characteristics. While, the development of e-commerce is not perfect today. Retail enterprises who want to sell goods online will encounter many obstacles. This thesis analyzed the current status of the retail online and summarized various problems which may hinder the pace of retail online. It also proposed the way to solve these problems. Meanwhile, the papers give us a successful example of dangdang.net whose strategies to solve the problems meeting in the way of run the online retail may be a good reference to the other enterprises who want to begin online retail.
Keywords:Retail enterprises; Retail online ; Problems and measures;Dangdang.net