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2015-05-04 01:17




Standard of large comprehensive super market how to choose and appraise the third party logistics provider

Abstract: With the continuous expansion of Chinese large comprehensive super market, logistics have become one of the bottlenecks which trouble the development of comprehensive super market. In this paper, based on analysis the features and logistics model of Chinese large comprehensive super market, indicated that the questions in the process that Chinese large comprehensive super market choose and appraise third party logistics provider. And then using right standard and way to appraise and manage the third party logistic provider, and build. the appraisement index system of the third party logistics provider. Finally
Based on the analysis of the case that WuMei comprehensive super market choose and appraise HuangBaitian third party logistics , reconstruct the standard of choice and appraisement of third party logistics provider. Hoping that my methods and system can bring some help to Chinese larger comprehensive supermarket to choose and appraise third party logistics for a reference.

Keywords: Large comprehensive super market;Third Party Logistics;method of choice and appraisement; (科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com编辑发布)

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