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2015-05-04 01:17


摘要: 我国第3方物流企业中,中小企业占有很大的比重,且在经营中存在很多共性的问题。在信息技术高度发展、国外物流企业抢滩中国物流产业的大环境下,如何解决当前的问题,成为我国众多中小型第3方物流企业能否健康发展的关键环节之1。
随着传统产业的变革和信息技术的发展,电子商务的应用在我国已呈现了迅猛增长的势头,同时对第3方物流也产生了巨大的需求, 推动着第3方物流的发展,但相对于快速发展的电子商务,我国第3方物流发展仍然相对滞后,电子商务这种全新的商业模式给第3方物流企业带来发展机遇的同时也带来了压力和挑战,第3方物流企业应该如何应对这种挑战是当前物流业发展中不可忽视的问题。

关键字: 电子商务 ;申丝物流 ;第3方物流

Electronic commerce in Shensi enterprise companys development research
Abstract: Our country third party flows in the logist, mid-and small-scaleen terprise holds the very great proportion, also has very many general character in the management problem. Highly develops in the information technology, overseas flows the enterprise to hasten tog round under the China miscarriage industry big environment, how solves the current problem, whether becomes the our country multitudinous middle and small scale third party to flow one often terprise health development essential links.
Along with the traditional industry transformation and the information technology development, the electronic commerce application has presented the swift and violent growth tendency in our country, simultaneously flowed to the third party has also had the huge demand, was impelling the development which the third party flowed, but was opposite to the fast development electronic commerce, our country third party flows the development still relatively to lag, did the electronic commerce this kind of brand-new business model flow the enterprise for the third party to bring the development opportunity at the same time also to bring the pressure and the challenge, how the third party flows the enterprise to be supposed to be supposed to this kind of challenge to be in the current flowing industry development  noticeable question.

In this article through the present management which flows to Shen Si , the management way asks the question, gives the suggestion. Thus reflected the Chinese third party flows the what course to follow under the electronic commerce big environment.

Keyword: E-commerce  ;  Shensi logistics company ;   Third party logistics

    上一篇:我国大型综合超市第三方物流服务商的选择与评 下一篇:没有了