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2015-05-05 02:07


The Research about China’s Retail Development in E-Commerce
Abstract:It comes to light that the foreground of e-retailing is great. Comparing with the e-retailers’ advantages, the traditional retailers become more and more worried that they dont know how much influence from the e-retailing will affect the consumers choice. As a result many traditional retailers are eager to create the e-retail section by themselves. Based on the results of our study ,we analyze the essential and main obstacle of traditional retail to develop the electronic ,several strategic implications for traditional retailers intending to develop the electronic retailing sectors are drawn. consumers value in-store shopping experience, and are more likely to shop on-line for products/services that are low purchase risk, are well-known brands, and from reputable retailers even though the latter may be carrying lesser-known brand names. For those who want to successfully building up electronic retailing sectors ,should get support from government and improve on their retail services and retail atmosphere (i.e. increasing the in-store shopping add-ons of the services for customers) and also devise strategies to reduce the consumers purchase risk on shopping on-line. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Keywords:retailing  E-commerce  obstacle  tactics

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