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2015-05-06 02:04

摘要:信息化是当今世界制造业发展的大趋势,中国作为制造大国,制造业的信息化水平还比较低。 微星科技是实施信息化较为成功的制造企业之1,在信息化实施方面有1定的经验。对微星科技信息化的研究,有利于促进我国制造业信息化的健康发展和提高制造业的国际竞争力。本文首先分析了微星科技实施信息化的必要性,然后对微星科技进行了信息化层次与总体规划,以及微星科技信息化的实施,最后得出以信息化建设来提高国内制造业核心竞争力的启示。


Empirical Analysis of the Information Technology
 Strategy of MSI
Abstract: Information is the worlds development of the manufacturing industry trend. China as a manufacturer, manufacturing of information technology level is relatively low. MSI is the implementation of information technology more successful manufacturing enterprises, the implementation of information technology,there is a definite experience. MSI information on the study, to promote Chinas manufacturing of information and enhance the healthy development of the manufacturing industrys international competitiveness. This paper analyzes the necessity of MSI the information implementation,and reveals the information in the development process of the existing problems,Then the MSI technology for the information technology needs of the overall level and planning, And MSI implementation of information technology. drawing to information technology to enhance the core competitiveness of domestic manufacturing of enlightenment.

Key words:  MSI; Manufacturing enterprises; Manufacturing Information


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