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2015-05-07 01:02


关键词:农业电子商务; 农业生产;网络营销

Research on measures of development for agriculture electronic commerce

Abstract: The agriculture electronic commerce refers to a series of electrons transaction activity, which occurs for the agricultural production the center, including the agricultural production management, the agricultural product network marketing the electronic payment, the thing flows management as well as customer relations management and so on.
This article first introduced the agriculture electronic commerce produces of the necessity and feasibility, proved that the development of the agriculture electronic commerce in our country not only the international challenge need, but also own development objective request. Then elaborated studies the foreign agriculture electronic commerce present situation. At the same time, according to our country agriculture electronic commerce development the present situation and the existence question, pointed out that the electronic commerce foundation weak, the idea lag, commercial consciousness light, the agricultural product quality specification, the message class standard system is not perfect and so on. This is our country agriculture electronic commerce development the main barrier. In view of the front analysis, and the model of overseas development agriculture electronic commerce success experience, perfection of the development environment, establishment the electronic commerce safeguard system, the renewal idea, enhanced proposed the corresponding solution measures, such is to the electronic commerce raise the level of understanding.

Keyword: Agriculture electronic commerce; Agriculture production; Network marketing


    上一篇:企业E-营销模式探讨 下一篇:企业物流成本控制探讨