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2015-05-14 01:19

摘要:银行业在我国加入WTO 后将面临着激烈的竞争,外资银行在客户关系管理(CRM)方面有着多年的经验,因此,我国商业银行必须加快CRM的建设。本文首先从电子商务环境下商业银行CRM的背景认识入手,分析了商业银行CRM实施的必要性,然后通过了解我国商业银行CRM的现状及存在的问题,探讨了商业银行在电子商务环境下的CRM的实施方案,最后就商业银行CRM的应用情况进行了阐述,以期为各商业银行的CRM提供借鉴,应对全球经济1体化所带来的竞争,最终实现提高核心竞争力的目的。

The study of CRM of Commercial Banks
in E-commerce Environment
Abstract: Since China entered into WTO, the banking businesses have been faced with strong competition. As foreign banks have already accumulated many years experience in customer relationship management (CRM), the commercial banks in China, therefore, have to quicken their steps in the establishment of CRM. At first this paper from e-commerce environment to understand CRM Of the commercial bank, analyzes the establishment of CRM of commercial banks necessity, then by understanding the present condition of our country′ s commercial banks′ CRM and the existing problems, discussion of commercial banks in the e-business environment of the CRM implementation of the program, finally elaborated the commercial bank CRM application situation, in order to provide the examples for the CRM of commercial banks, dealing with competition which brings to the whole world economic integration, finally realizes enhances the core competitive ability the goal.

Key words: e-commerce environment; commercial banks; Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

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